
Unlock Strategic Leadership: Transform Potential into Measurable Success

We all have untapped potential. It just needs to be unlocked with a holistic approach.


Years of Strategic Leadership in Diverse Sectors Globally, Delivering Sustainable Growth


Hogan Assessment Debriefs with Senior Business Leaders


Executive Coaching and Organizational Development


Hours of Transformative Leadership Coaching Experience


Why we do, What we do

Our mission is to empower leaders to drive strategic growth and long-term impact through mindfulness and leadership development.


Unlocking Peak Performance: Solutions for Leaders and Teams

Leadership Assessment & Team Profiling

  • Unlock leadership potential and build high-performing teams through data-driven insights and strategic profiling leveraging proven methodologies like Hogan Assessment.
  • Understand team dynamics and identify potential roadblocks to success through comprehensive team profiling.

Mindfulness-Infused Leadership Coaching

  • Transform leadership styles to inspire and drive organizational success.
  • Combine modern coaching principles with timeless mindfulness techniques to enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
  • Leverage ICF-approved coaching frameworks, integrating insights from Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism.
  • Choose from individual (1:1), group, or team coaching formats tailored to your needs.

OD-Driven Leadership Development

  • Develop visionary leaders who create sustainable organizational growth.
  • Facilitate interactive workshops on visioning exercises for leaders and teams, organizational development topics, and more.
  • Foster a collaborative learning environment that stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Design workshops tailored to your specific challenges and desired outcomes.

Journey-Based Leadership Programs

  • Achieve lasting change with targeted leadership programs focused on strategic challenges.
  • Embark on a transformative 3 to 6 months journey designed to address a specific growth challenge faced by your leaders.
  • Utilize a combination of leadership assessments, coaching, workshops, and other methodologies.
  • Focus on a targeted group of 10-25 participants for maximum impact and personalized support.


Trusted by Clients




Asian Paints

Kongsberg Digital


Telio EV



Kaivalya's Approach
At Kaivalya Consulting, we believe in the power of integrating diverse perspectives to achieve profound transformation. Our approach is rooted in:

Science-led assessment

Leveraging scientific principles using Hogan-led assessment to understand and navigate the complexities of the corporate world.

Positive Psychology

Fostering strengths, resilience, and a growth mindset to enhance performance and well-being.

Depth Psychology

Exploring the unconscious motivations and group dynamics that influence leadership and organizational behaviour.

Mindfulness Elevated

Drawing inspiration from intersectionality of modern physics, eastern spiritual traditions and leadership lessons for the age of AI.

About founder

Founder's Journey as a Coach: A Passion for People and Performance

Before transitioning into leadership coaching, I served in key roles such as Global Transformation Manager, Account Manager, and Business Consultant, working across diverse industry sectors and geographies.

With over two decades of experience, I discovered that at the heart of any complex business challenge lies a people-related issue. This realization deepened my interest in the human factors driving business success.

My extensive background equips me with a unique blend of technical and business acumen, enabling me to effectively connect with and guide teams and leaders.

At Kaivalya Consulting, my mission is to unlock leaders' potential, enabling them to create strategic value and drive lasting success.

Pradeep Singh

Executive Coach | IIT BHU | IIM Bangalore
Mindfulness for Nerds | Leadership in the Age of AI
ICF Credentialed & Hogan Certified Coach | L&OD

Pradeep Singh

Executive Coach | IIT BHU | IIM Bangalore
Mindfulness for Nerds | Leadership in the Age of AI
ICF Credentialed & Hogan Certified Coach | L&OD


Trust Gained over the Years


My Pricing


Have design ready to build?
or small budget

$49 / hours

  • Need your wireframe
  • Design with Figma, Framer
  • Implement with Webflow, React, WordPress, Laravel/PHP
  • Remote/Online
  • Work in business days, no weekend.
  • Support 6 months
pick this package


Not have any design?
Leave its for me

$99 / hours

  • Don't need wireframe or anything
  • Design with Figma, Framer from scratch
  • Implement with Webflow, React, WordPress, Laravel/PHP
  • Remote/Online
  • Work with both weekend
  • Support 12 months
  • Your project alway be priority
  • Customer care gifts
pick this package

Don't find any package match with your plan! Want to setup a new tailor-made package for only you?.Contact Us


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